Rocky Dress Code

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The Rocky dress code allows the students to express themselves with few restrictions on what they can and cannot wear.

This is important because students should be able to wear what they want and should be able to express themselves through their clothing, and Rocky lets us do this. Compared to other schools, Rocky has it easy when it comes to the dress code, some schools like Fossil and Collins have almost the same code. But other schools like charter/private schools, such as Colorado Early Colleges from my own experience, have it hard when it comes to the dress code.

According to the student handbook, Rocky’s dress code consists of a few small rules: students have to wear shoes, avoid wearing distracting clothing, sun glasses, gang symbols, no midriff showing, underwear covered, no cleavage, nothing sexual, and no profanity. These rules can be found on the Rocky website in the student handbook . Although most of the rules are directed towards girls, the code is mostly open to where the students can wear almost anything that they want.

        I attended the charter high school Colorado Early College for a semester The Early College’s school dress code was very restrictive towards girls: no ripped jeans, no shoulder showing, cleavage, or belly skin showing and these are just a few of the rules. Comparably, Rocky’s dress code is simple and easy to follow.

        The students at Rocky are fortunate because students are still able to wear what they want and express themselves through what they wear. This is really important because nowadays there are so many pressures on exactly what to wear and how to “fit in” that it creates stress. Being able to express yourself and show off your own style is really important because it shows your individuality and uniqueness. The Rocky dress code only restricts a small amount of things, whereas other schools are more restrictive that some people have to change their style in order to follow the dress code rules. Changing your own style leads you to worrying about what you’re having to wear everyday. Because it’s not your own style, it forces you out of your comfort zone and this creates insecurity, because why would you feel confident in something you wouldn’t wear if you didn’t have to?

        I like the dress code at Rocky because we get to have our own style, rather than having to follow one enforced set of rules that could affect our style. I’m happy about the Rocky dress code because we can wear what we want and what makes us feel confident. Without having that confidence that comes from having your own style, and wearing what you feel comfortable in, people  feel out of place, or weird just because they are having to wear something that goes against ev

erything that that person is. Dress code is a really important thing as kids put a lot into what they wear, and how they represent themselves, and not being able to do that because of a restricting code sucks, that’s why Rocky is fortunate when it comes to the dress code.