Meet Andrew Hahn, the Prodigy of the Classified Staff


Often, it is those with the quietest voice who have the most influential stories that deserve to be shared. This proves to be true when it comes to Andrew Hahn, RMHS Accompanist. As a classified staff member, Hahn works with every choir at Rocky, as well as the musical and other outside ensembles. Taking on a repertoire as wide as Andrew’s would seemingly be overwhelming, except for the fact that Andrew Hahn is a piano prodigy, and he has a very fascinating upbringing. 

Born in Vladivostok, Russia, Hahn describes his first few months of life as “inhumane and unbelievable.” At three months old, his adoptive parents Becky and Peter rescued him from the orphanage where he was “living” at the time.

“The owner was stealing money that was meant to feed us, so almost all of the babies were dying of starvation, myself included,” Hahn said. “I thankfully don’t remember that.” 

Andrew was exposed to dreadful living conditions and illegal situations as an infant that could have greatly hindered the entire course of his life. Hahn was brought to the United States shortly after his adoption and is forever grateful to his parents for saving his life. “They could have picked any child and I find myself very blessed to have had the opportunity to start my life here in America.”

Andrew spent his childhood in Olympia, Washington, where he was a student at Reeves Middle School. He was first introduced to the piano by his music teacher, Anna Richart. 

“I had heard her play our songs in class, and I couldn’t help but ask to take some of the music home to practice,” Hahn said. “I would take the sheet music home and teach myself the entire piece on the piano. Without any experience, I had it down in two weeks.” 

At age 11, Andrew had taken initiative to start a new hobby and began to realize the incredible talent he had. 

As Andrew’s parents started to recognize his quick knack and love for music, he entered lessons at age 13. Through this experience, he would come to learn he had perfect pitch. At this point, playing the piano transformed from a hobby to a lifestyle for the young prodigy. He continued lessons to perfect his craft before taking it on as a career. 

In 2018, Hahn moved to Colorado with many years of piano experience under his belt. When COVID hit, Andrew banked on his positive mindset to turn the pandemic into time for practice. He was unemployed until 2021 when he began working here at Rocky and has since fallen in love with the work and the kids. 

When asked about his obvious proficiency in patience, Hahn said, “The origin of my life has led me to begin each day with gratitude for where I am at, and that keeps me from complaining or feeding into negativity.” 

While his early life in Russia could be viewed as a hardship, Andrew frames it as the entire reason for his appreciation for life, and is lucky to have an experience that makes him so grateful for where he is now. 

Hahn also describes his personality as kind, calm, and funny. While some of these traits are natural, Andrew accredits them to his loving parents. 

“I have a great relationship with my parents. They are wonderful, beautiful, people…and I owe a lot of my success to them.”

Andrew displays incredible positivity in his work and daily life, stemming from his adoption and rescue from the oppressive Russian government. “It is something that I thank them for almost every day. I am forever indebted for what they have done for me.” 

Without the lessons his parents instilled in him at a very young age, Andrew claims he could never go forward with as much gratitude and patience as he does, skills that he says are “crucial to working with high schoolers.”

“I love my job. I wouldn’t trade it for the world,” Hahn said. 

His favorite part about it are the people, both his colleagues and his students. He enjoys getting to know everybody. His secret to staying so composed at work is to remember that everybody deserves respect. “We may not always agree with the things people do or say, but we can always show respect to their wishes.” 

Andrew Hahn is a kind soul with a true appreciation for music and a passion for helping others. He was not handed this beautiful life he has built for himself, and he is such an amazing part of the Rocky family because he can be a source of inspiration for you, too. If you see him in the hallways, make sure to thank him for the impact he makes, and remember that hard work and positivity will carry you far.