Picture this; you are riding your bike to school, and everything is going your way until it’s not. You come to realize that your ride went from smooth to bumpy and take a look down at your wheel. Lo and behold, your tire is flat!
Well, no worries! Rocky has recently opened a school bike shop called The Bo’cycle Shop. Dr. Ben Johnson, Rocky’s Media specialist, wanted to make sure students would have a solution to fix these inconveniences without having to spend any money. This project began in the spring of 2023, and with the help of some of Rocky’s business classes and the Lobo Cafe, it continues to thrive today.
Dr. Johnson has been an avid biker for as long as he can remember. His love for bikes started at the age of three and

has been growing ever since. His goals for the shop are to make sure students know they have a fee-free way to fix their bikes and to get more people to ride their bikes to help the environment.
“I don’t want money to be a barrier for students to be able to bike… The less people depend on their cars, the less carbon we can put into our atmosphere,” Dr. Johnson said.
A majority of the Fort Collins population enjoys riding bikes. Whether for fun or transportation, bike riding is a popular option throughout all age groups. Some even make it routine, like Dr. Johnson and other students at Rocky. He tries to ride his bike to school every day, in any weather condition. His inspiration comes from the love of this hobby, as well as helping the community and environment.
“There are so many mental health issues at Rocky, and it’s proven that exercise is one of the best ways to deal with depression and anxiety,” Dr. Johnson said.
Though Dr. Johnson would like to get his certification in fixing bikes, his knowledge on how to fix them not only comes from what he learned as a kid but the one place we know and love, the internet–YouTube to be exact.
The Bo’cycle Shop is solely funded by the Lobo Cafe. These funds buy them the necessary tools and resources to fix whatever needs to be done. They also work with other individuals and organizations who donate bikes to the shop, as the demand for bikes has grown.
When fixing bikes, the most common problems he tends to find are flat tires, brakes that need tightening, and adjusting derailleurs.
If a bike issue comes your way, you can find The Bo’cycle Shop in the back right corner of the library. Dr. Johnson’s office is in the library near the Lobo Cafe. If he’s not there, you can email him at [email protected].