New PSD Tech Security Measures Attempt to Censor Open Web

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Poudre School District has stepped up their laptop security yet again.

Since the time school laptops were issued, the PSD tech team has made countless attempts at controlling and censoring the open web.

However, year after year the “brains” of the student body have found loopholes and untouched areas in the PSD firewall and security. The first year laptops were released, students were able to use .exe files to play games without any issues and by the time PSD had the .exe files decently blocked there was a windows update. This update destroyed much of the progress that the PSD tech team made.

The update offered the windows app store. From this web store students were able to download games freely for three months. PSD was able to put a lid on the web store for a short period of time, as students soon found they could access the web store on an off campus internet source.

PSD has doubled down on blocks and censors. About twice as many sites are blocked this year and there is no app store for students to access on or off campus. Many of other small loopholes have been patched as well. No loopholes have been found so far this year, and it doesn’t seem like students are gaining any ground in the fight for internet freedom.

There is hope for student entertainment yet. The “unblocked game” websites are directly connected to Google and PSD is unlikely to restrict them because they are unable to block them without blocking all of Google. These “unblocked game” sites are the most reliable source for student entertainment that has been found.

The students body’s “brains” are constantly searching for loopholes for students to exploit. PSD seems to be winning the war but the year has just begun.