Expulsion; The Process, The Aftermath, and The Options


The student code of conduct can be found on the PSD website.

The definition of expulsion is the process of forcing someone or something out of a community or place. School expulsion is an event featured in many pieces of literature today but the reality of the process has remained a mystery to those who have never faced the prospect of being expelled from school.

The process of expulsion is a long and complicated endeavour, but it is extremely efficient. Rocky administrators are not given the authority to expel a student, which helps prevent bias. Instead, the administrative staff at Rocky are allowed to recommend expulsion to the district board. The board then reviews the recommendation based on what code of conduct rule was broken.

Depending on if the district administration agrees with the recommendation, they can do one of three things. They can decline the recommendation, leaving the student in school, allowing school policies to act as punishment, and nothing more. They can alter the recommendation, lengthening or shortening the expulsion or changing it into a suspended sentence, or they can accept the recommendation, expelling the student in question.

If a student’s expulsion recommendation is accepted, however, they still have a chance to appeal for an “expulsion trial,” where the student and the parents of said student can argue against the given punishment. If the student wins the trial, then he/she is allowed to integrate back into the school system. However, if they fail the trial, they will remain expelled and that trial remains as final judgment.

After the process, if a student is expelled they are left with multiple options for the future. First, all children are entitled to a free education even if they have been expelled. Because of this policy, expelled students are allowed to attend online schools or be homeschooled during their time out of the school system.

One of the more recent development in terms of education for students who have been expelled or suspended is “expulsion schools,” or schools that allow students who are not allowed in the local schools to attend a physical school. Journey, a school that functions as an “expulsion school,” is a facility in the Poudre district that has been helping kids who are no longer allowed to attend other public schools.

Journey offers students the opportunities to take online classes, on-site classes, or some combination of both. When students are taking on-site courses, the campus remains closed. Troy Klotz is the principal of Journey. Attempts to contact him were unsuccessful.

The process of expulsion may seem like a simple, straightforward process, but people often spend, long hours resolving a recommendation, and even more time on trials and incorporating their kid into a home, online, or expulsion school. The simple fact is that expulsion is not all that black and white.