The Toy You Need to Try

You may have seen the trend of the Kendama at school and on social media and wondered about what this wooden toy was and why it’s recently gained attention.
The Kendama is a wooden toy with a string and ball attached. The goal of this toy is to land the ball onto the different surfaces of the Kendama. This toy can be used to strengthen hand eye coordination, reflexes, and balance.
The Kendama originated in Japan and was a very trendy toy for kids, but has become a trend in the U.S. and a big part teenage culture with different influencers creating and selling their own kendamas. Such as popular youtuber Adam22.
Using a Kendama can be challenging at first but is very rewarding. The tricks you can learn on the Kendama are endless, and you can change them any way you want. This trend has really caught onto teens because of the challenge. Being able to properly do tricks is super impressive. Teens have started playing with Kendamas anywhere you see them a lot at skate parks or schools.
“I love my Kendama. I’d rather be using my Kendama than be on my phone,” Nora Baker a Freshman at Rocky said.
You can find Kendamas at any big store like Target or Walmart. You can also buy Kendamas online from sites like Amazon.
Kendamas look like they are going to be huge part of 2019 trends. The Kendama is a great way to relax or just take a break from responsibility and is a trend you definitely need to try.

Della is a senior at Rocky Mountain High school. Della has many hobbies that include making art and sewing. Della enjoys fashion, art, and music.