Only Going Backwards

President Donald Trump has stayed controversial. He has said some disrespectful and offensive things before and throughout his presidency, but now he’s making it very clear to America that he is trans phobic.


Last July, Trump declared a military ban of transgender people by tweeting about how they will no longer be able to serve in the military. It was a tweet that shocked the nation and the generals didn’t even know it was happening. The Pentagon didn’t even know this was going to happen. It was a surprise tweet that caused an uprising of people who thought this was absurd. It brought people together and now a year later, Trump has struck again.


Last month, the Trump administration announced it was trying to narrow down defining gender, saying that it should be a “biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth…” (NY Times). Basically saying you can’t define your gender as anything besides how you were born. This is getting rid of protecting and recognizing transgender people under civil law. The Department of Health and Human Services said, “The sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person’s sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence.” (NY Times). This was another shock to America. Many trans people are protesting saying “We cannot be erased,” and the hashtag WeWillNotBeErased is popping up on social media.


Donald Trump is trying to get rid of transgender people, but by just trying to define a person by their born sex, isn’t going to get rid of them. People are still not going to feel right in their born sex. He’s trying to get rid of more than 1.4 million people in America. That’s ridiculous. When he was campaigning, Trump had said he is going to protect the LGBTQ+ community, but we don’t really see that happening so far in his presidency.


This is just one more thing that Trump has done that is setting us back. America is trying to move forward by letting people feel free to express themselves and no longer forcing them to be oppressed for who they are, but Trump keeps reversing everything. Attempting to write out transgender people isn’t going to stop them from feeling the way they feel and being who they are. It’s going to cause more protest and angry Americans. It makes no sense to not protect people for simply living their lives to make themselves happy and feel right about themselves under civil law. They aren’t hurting anybody. Hopefully, Americans will keep fighting against all this negativity.