Not About the Sack but the Pack


Hannah Strahmann

A few members of the Hacky Sack Club at their Monday meeting in room 302

On a Monday afternoon there are many options for what you can do at lunch. You could go to the cafeteria or leave and go out to lunch, just like every other day of the week. Or you could go to Mr. Clark’s room (room 302) and be a part of Hacky Sack Club where you can buy $1 pizza then play hacky sack.


The club is new to Rocky this year and was started up with the advisory of Mr. Ron Clark. When asked about how the club began, senior Mikayla Eccher said that, “Most of us have some background in soccer and we just like being around people with the same interests.”


Senior Aaron Biggerstaff added, “It felt like the final piece in completing the Rocky Mountain High School culture.”


After going to the meeting and seeing the group of people, there are often times when the group has to move to a bigger area in order to play–such as the Rocks or outside. Aaron Biggerstaff said, “We are super excited about the turnout and we want the sack to eventually touch everyone in Rocky.”


While the club seems pretty self-explanatory, member and senior at Rocky, Quinn Mcgonagle stated, “In the club we bond and grow as friends while kicking around the sack.”


Caleb Cruz said, “It’s not just about the sack– it’s about the pack.”


If you are interested in spending some time with people who like to hacky sack, $1 pizza, or even just be a part of a club, you can go to room 302 at lunch every Monday.