
Juuls, mods, drops, airs, and many more new things kids have been getting their hands on. Vaping has really taken over this generation of teens. The demand for e-cigarettes boomed a couple years ago and has not stopped since then due to teens’ addiction. Obviously, this upsets the older generation of parents and anyone who is worried about the teens growing nicotine addictions. So how do they plan on dropping the number of consumers, with unflavored e-cigarettes?

According to the USA Today, more than two million middle schoolers, high schoolers, and college students are using e-cigarettes. Almost 12% of high schoolers use them and 3% of middle schoolers. The FDA is trying to do everything they can to decrease vaping with minors. They are trying to change the age to purchase these products to 21, and to stop them being sold at local places like the gas station, convenience stores, and similar places. Also, the people selling these products, like the gas stations and vape shops, are producing and selling more products behind the FDA’s back. “Companies ‘have introduced new products at an alarming pace in total defiance of law, with no apparent concern for FDA enforcement,’ the groups wrote.”

The FDA, along with everything else they are trying, are attempting to get rid of flavors. There argue to make vape juices flavorless, is that the flavors are not good for you as well. Technically, there isn’t such thing as unflavored juices, there are no “natural” tobacco flavors to put into e-cigarette juices. These juices are “chemically synthesized and added to the base propylene glycol/vegetable glycerin solution” according to Lexology. If the FDA gets rid of flavored juices, they get rid of all vape juices. There can’t be vape juices without flavors, so is this the FDA’s master plan to get kids to stop vaping?

The FDA has also looked at the cons of getting rid of the flavors. In a recent study, they surveyed people who used e-cigarettes to help fight their addiction to cigarettes to ask them if the flavors were important for them. 87.3% of them said the flavors were exactly or very crucial to their attempts to quit cigarettes.

This recent proposition the FDA has come up with seems like it’d be great, but it could end up much worse than they plan. If they get rid of juices completely, teens are already addicted. It’s kind of too late at this point. People will find another way to get nicotine somehow, possibly some may even turn to cigarettes. This could be a very dangerous decision. Guess we will have to see what the next thing the government will do to decrease the growing number of people vaping.