Senior Gifts


Fernando Levya

Senior gifts

If you’ve ever walked through Rocky’s halls, you may have noticed colorful murals on the walls, convenient water bottle filling stations in the athletic hallway, a useless sundial in the courtyard, and a bench in the library with the words Donated by the Class of 2006 inscribed on it.

These objects seem to have nothing in common, yet they are actually all related: they are senior gifts.

Senior gifts are a way for the senior class to spend the money they have collected over their four years at Rocky. During a student’s time as a Lobo, class fees and tickets for school events like Prom contribute to the class fund, and end up paying for the senior picnic, senior shirts, and senior gift.

“The senior gift is a way to inspire other students to reach their goals and contribute to the school community,” said Jo Locricchio, a counselor who worked at Rocky 1991-2016. “It’s [the senior class’] contribution as they leave.”

Each senior class chooses what they want to leave behind by sharing creative ideas and taking surveys. Once a class has decided on an idea, the senior class sponsors (a group of teachers who advise the senior class) are asked to see if the project is doable.

The installation of a rock climbing wall and a new sound system for the gym have been brought up by multiple graduating classes, but their class budgets have limited those ideas each time.

Budget shortfalls have caused some limitations for gifts, yet there have been many awesome senior gifts despite monetary issues. The gifts in the quiz below this story are some examples of Senior Gifts.

“It’s like a progressive time capsule of the things seniors have given to the school,” said Locricchio.

These gifts allow senior classes the opportunity to leave their legacy and support Rocky in becoming a better place.

“[The senior gift is] typically a surprise,” said Rocky counselor Susan Takahashi. “In the last four or five years, it has been announced at convocation. Prior to that, people would leave and no one knew.”  

Keeping with that newly-formed tradition, the class of 2017 will announce their senior gift on May 18, the date for Convocation this year.