Let’s Talk About Trash Rocky

Rocky Mountain High School has had a few run-ins with littering inside and outside the school. The courtyard is a primary target along with the west side greenspace by the gold lot and bathrooms.

Trash can be thrown away in the trash cans around the schools, including the cans outside.
Leaving trash, such as plastics, is harmful to the environment. Plastics can and should be recycled. Recycling bins can be found near trash cans around the school.

The most frequent times trash is left occurs during and after lunch. It’s important to keep our schools clean and not leave it for the janitors.

“Students have done a better job maintaining cleaning other areas themselves but the restrooms have gotten worse this year,” Dean Michael Ruffner said. He added that the Maroon Bells bathroom has been trashed daily.

What can be done:

  • Students can help by cleaning up after themselves and others.
  • If trash is seen lying around in the middle of hallways or outside, do the right thing and pick it up.
  • Throw away trash in the correct spots. Trash goes in trash cans and recyclables like plastics, cardboard, and paper go in the recycle bins.
  • Following the Lobo Way; students are expected to respect the environments around Rocky.

What is for the landfill:

Tessa Stimatze














What can be recycled: 

Tessa Stimatze