The Binding of Isaac Review

Although “The Binding of Isaac” is an older video game and did not receive much attention at its release, it has some truly inspiring qualities that make it enjoyable for people today.

The game, which was released in 2011, begins with an interesting back story of a young boy who is being oppressed by his mother and after a turn of events is being hunted by her. After escaping to his room, he finds a trap door hidden underneath his rug and plunges into the darkness below in hopes that he will find a way to escape. The game is constructed by giving the player a general map that shows each individual room along with three hearts and one bomb. The goal of the game is to travel through each floor until the boss room.


As players proceed through each level, several randomized upgrades and items can appear, although the map is never the same. Every time the character dies the game restarts completely. After beating a floor, another trapdoor will appear starting you on the next floor, the overall goal being to make it to the end of the final floor and fight “MOM” or the final boss. I really enjoyed the way that the game was constructed because it doesn’t have a pre-determined path, although you must get to the same end of every floor.

I also really enjoyed the graphics in this game, even though they are a bit odd, like the game itself. The vast majority of the game is filled with made up characters that are very out of the ordinary; most of them are real creatures or pieces of creatures, such as flying eyeballs or giants spiders. Another thing that makes them so odd is the attacks they have. You would expect a spider to bite, but instead they shoot laser beams. The graphics are very cartoony but have a realistic feel to them because they are based off real things.

The game play is very fluid and I haven’t had any problems with the game freezing or glitching out. I also really enjoyed that the shooting is limited to four ways, straight, back, right, and left, making it easier to aim at the enemies. As well, I liked the game because it is a difficult game and takes some time to get good, intriguing me more. Another thing is that there’s a mixture between permanent upgrades and not permanent upgrades, giving an interesting element to the way you play.

The game is available to anyone who has some form of online game console and also anyone who has a PC. One final component I liked about this game was the extremely large variety of possibilities in every aspect of this game, from the maps and enemies changing every game you play and the number of items and upgrades you can get. After experimenting with this game, I would recommend it or certainly believe it’s worth a try.