Romantic or Disgusting?
It’s officially February and you know what that means. It’s the month that is painted in pink and red hearts. The stores are full of cute candies and chocolates; the streets are full of romance. Sounds exciting, right? Well, not for everyone. or some of you, February is the most dreaded month. Valentine’s Day is the most hated holiday for many people.
February 14th, is a holiday dedicated to love. How romantic, right? Or, how disgusting? These are the two views for this holiday. Usually people who are in relationships absolutely love Valentine’s Day, and the majority of people who hate on it are single. There are many different opinions on Valentine’s Day for many different reasons.
The love birds go wild on Valentine’s Day–thinking that it is the most romantic thing that they love that they can dedicate a day to just romance. They love the whole over the top deal, the roses, chocolate, fancy dinner, the huge teddy bear, the whole shabang. “I just love seeing the happy couples and all that even though I’ve almost always been single on Valentine’s day, it is still so nice to see other people’s happiness.” senior, Emily Hough said, “Also, I just love the idea of love, as cheesy as that sounds.” There are some people who like Valentine’s day in the simplest way, to just go watch a movie with your favorite snacks, either way, people in relationships usually adore Valentine’s day. “I think it’s important to be inclusive and isn’t just about couples. It can be about the people you love, the friends you love, the family you love.” said senior, Abi Loughrey.
Let’s talk about the people who despise it. The people who hate love. These people typically just roll their eyes at the couples and all the heart shaped boxes of chocolate. The ones that hate the rosey feel of February. The idea of a month of romance is repulsive. They might hate it because love isn’t something that appeals to them, or the over the top in your face idea of love. The cupid arrows didn’t hit them and make them love-struck. Jealousy could also be a factor. Knowing they would completely follow suit to the traditional Valentines extravaganza if they were in a relationship. Hate can come from jealousy.
Lastly, there’s the people who argue that it’s simply pointless. A holiday dedicated to love is unnecessary. The belief that we don’t need a holiday that is dedicated to love because you can celebrate that any other day. They argue that it is a holiday made by Hallmark to get money out of people. A big teddy bear can cost like 50 dollars and boxes of chocolates are around 20 dollars. “I don’t dislike the idea of it,” senior, Karina Benjamin said, “I just think it is unnecessary and is just another way to get money from other people. I just don’t think you need to do anything extravagant or spend lots of money.”.
Whether you hate it or love it or simply don’t care for it, Valentine’s day is just around the corner, so get ready for heart shaped everything and don’t forget to remind the people closest to you that you love them, love is in the air.

Erin Hutcheson is a senior at Rocky Mountain High School. Erin enjoys hanging out with friends and watching movies. She works at Papa Murphys's and loves...