Beauty and the Beast Is Coming
There will be a Beast in the building third quarter as Rocky Mountain puts together their spring musical Beauty and the Beast. The Musical Theatre Production students start rehearsals at the beginning of third quarter and will put in many long hours over the next eight weeks to make the production the best it can be.
This show is based on a classic story that many people are familiar with. For those who don’t know, Beauty and the Beast is about Belle, a small town girl who gets lost in books about adventure and dreams of bigger things. Her father gets lost in the woods and stumbles into an old castle, which is home to talking plates, furniture, and a frightening beast. Belle must save her father by promising to stay at the castle forever with the terrible beast. This is a story of adventure, love, and sacrifice, and who doesn’t love impromptu singing and dancing?
For many students involved in the musical, it is the most exciting time of year whether they are an actor, part of the tech crew, or pit. The musical takes many people working together to make it the best it can be. Michael Naffier, who is playing the Beast said, “I have always loved musical theater and had a fun time last year in the musical and because it is my senior year I knew I wanted to be a part of this show.”
Karla Pineda is a part of the tech crew and she described her job as, “helping build the sets with many different people backstage and moving the sets around the stage on show nights.” She added, “I did tech for the play sophomore year and fell in love with the people and the show process and being a part of a group who loves one thing.”
Tickets will be available on February 18th on for $8 for seniors and kids, $10 for students, and $12 for adults. The show will be March 14th, 15th, and 16th at 7:00 pm in RMHS Auditorium. Ticket buyers can choose seats when they purchase tickets, so get them early, as this show is sure to be a magical one.

Karina is a senior at Rocky Mountain High School. She is on the art team for Rocky's literary arts magazine The Looking Glass and is planning on going...