Spirit Week: What You Need to Know
List of sales, and Mondays events.
Homecoming spirit week is next week and there are so many exciting events planned.
The homecoming dance will be Saturday, September 29, from 8:00 pm-11:00 pm, and the theme will be “Secret Garden.”
The homecoming game will be Friday, September 28, at 7:00 pm. There will be a tailgate before the game starting at 5:00 pm.
However, everyone loves the week before homecoming, SPIRIT WEEK! Here are the things you need to know:
MONDAY: USA day where everyone dresses up in red, white, and blue.
TUESDAY, 9/25: Country vs. Country Club and it’s your choice to either wear cowboy boots, hats, and overalls or country club gear like polos, golf hats, or any other preppy clothing.
The Peers weenie roast will be at lunch at at 10:50 am.
There will be a volleyball game at 6:30 pm too.
WEDNESDAY, 9/26: Flower Power where Rocky brings the hippie days back with the best hippie outfits and floral gear.
THURSDAY, 9/28: Skype Interview where you imagine you’re on a Skype interview on your computer and are wearing a suit or business wear on top and pjs or casual clothing on the bottom.
FRIDAY, 9/28: Wear grade colors. Freshmen wear white. Sophomores wear yellow. Juniors wear red. Seniors wear black.
There will be an assembly on Friday morning at 9:00 am.
Ticket sales for the Homecoming dance will start at lunch on Monday. On Monday only, tickets will be $10 for singles. Tuesday through Friday at lunch, tickets will be $15 for singles and $25 for doubles. However, on Wednesday singles will be $10 if you have an activities pass. Remember that doubles doesn’t just mean a date, it could also mean just friends you’re going with. Be safe, Rocky, and enjoy the week!

Jason Bishop is a sophomore at Rocky Mountain High School. He enjoys making people laugh and tries to see the more positive side of things. He plays football...