Ring Ring

What is with all the bells in the hallway? Do you actually pay attention the thirty seconds after class when “they” are calling names to come down to the office? There were no bells for two weeks during AP testing and everyone did fine, right?  


Talking to Mr. Gainley, I know he thinks that students don’t need bells. In his opinion bells should only be used when something serious is happening and kids need to pay attention.


Since almost every student at Rocky has a phone that tells time, wouldn’t it make sense that everyone can see what time it is 24/7? If we only used bells for  emergencies, I feel as if students and staff would know exactly what to do when a certain bell rang for a certain scenario. Instead, we all just ignore the bells.


We have a bell for when school starts, three minutes before class starts, when class starts, when class is over, and then multiple sounds for different emergencies. That’s a lot to handle and in a time of emergency and no one wants to be questioning what to do because they don’t know what bell or sound means what.


Plus, Rocky has ample clocks around the school and now the TVs are up and running with the time posted for all to see. It shouldn’t be a problem for students to know when they need to go to class. Put perfectly by every teacher ever, “The real world doesn’t have bells.”  If Rocky wants to help prepare students for the real world, this is just another idea for our students and staff to consider.