Prom 2018 invitation Elevation 5000.
Prom this year takes place on April 14th, 2018, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The location of prom is Colorado State University Stadium, located at 751 West Pitkin Street. Cost for prom tickets is $45 for a single, $80 for a couple. Rocky seniors receive free tickets and they are non-transferrable.
Tickets can be purchased at the fee window starting on Monday, April 2-Friday April 6. The week of April 9, tickets will be sold on The Rocks during lunch and after school.
The Stadium is allowing Rocky to be the first school to use their ballroom where there is plenty of room for kids to dance, as well as space to hang out outside of the prom doors.
The prom committee announced the theme via video announcements. The prom theme this year is Elevation 5000, which represents the elevation of the stadium and the mountains that can be viewed from there, showcasing how beautiful Colorado is.
Students had mixed reactions to the theme and the venue.
Junior Aaron Biggerstaff said, “The theme never has an impact on how people dress; the venue is dope!”
“[I think it’s] Pretty cool, last year it was the Lincoln Center and it wasn’t that cool or not that really big,” senior Paul Romero said.
Junior McKayla Kendall said, “I don’t even know what the theme means.”
“At first I didn’t understand it, but then I was like, oh, that’d be cool! [The venue] should be cool compared to last year,” senior Britney Croft said.
After 10:00 p.m students can go back to Rocky for after prom. After prom ends around 2:00 a.m. After prom has many games for students to play and participate in. There is tons of food and an assortment of beverages for the students. Admission is free for the after prom event and it is hosted by the junior class parents.

Taylor Barella is 17 years old senior. She loves to be with her family, friends, and boyfriend. She loves to laugh loud, just like her family. She finds...
Paul Romero • Mar 29, 2018 at 9:32 am
I think Prom is going to be way more fun this year. last years prom was wack and I am looking forward to this years prom
Gabriella McDonald • Mar 29, 2018 at 9:27 am
This is a great, informational article about an important event! Well written and very informative.
Payton • Mar 29, 2018 at 9:21 am
I liked these different perspectives on the venue and theme, but I feel like the info could’ve gone into more detail. I would be interested in the past themes and venues.
Jay Blythe • Mar 29, 2018 at 9:19 am
Prom looks fun this year, the venue is a lot better than last year, and the theme seems open to interpretation