The healing power of Wellness Day
The Wellness Fair on Thursday, March 1, was a big hit with students and teachers, offering informative booths, prizes, and athletic activities. Clubs and organizations from Rocky, PSD, and Fort Collins had booths to educate students on how to maintain their personal wellness and the wellness of others.
The Wellness Fair started with preparation during 1st period and students during 2nd, lunch, and 3rd. The fair opened with a strong crowd through 2nd and lunch, but thinned significantly during the last hour of the fair, during 3rd.
The fair was focused on how to improve mental and physical wellness as a teenager, offering samples and activities to help teens deal with stress and other issues. The fair covered The Rocks and had many activities in the gym.
“I think it was cool to see all the different wellness booths and all the different things people to do handle their mental state,” said Whitney Holland, a Rocky freshman.
“It went really well,” said Alec Parish, a freshman who helped run the GSA booth. “I was happy to share info about the LGBTQIA community.”
“I think it’s great,” said Mr. Leslie, a substitute teacher at Rocky.
Companies such as Essential Oils, Centennial Health Hotline, and the Wellness Center team were all at the Wellness Fair to teach about topics such as mental illness, safe sex, stress relievers, and school resources. In addition, there was information on healthy eating and Zumba for a healthy body.
The day appeared to be a great success with students and staff.
“I think every school district should have this,” Leslie said.
About the Writer

Payton Perkins, Editor
Payton is a senior at Rocky Mountain High School. They've been on the newspaper staff for 3 years. After high school, Payton wants to work as an investigative...