Do People Really Keep New Year’s Resolutions?
New Year’s resolutions are used as a way to change a specific habit and it’s a way to have a fresh start. Optimistically, I’d say that the start of a new year sparks a drive within us to change certain aspects of who we are, but many people don’t continue to follow through with them.
Junior Sloan Holland said, “Last year I told myself that I wanted to be able to do the splits. I practiced everyday for three and a half months. I still can’t do the splits.”
There are always the same basic resolutions like losing weight, going to the gym more, getting better grades, and so on. However, even after a few weeks into the new year, many people have already given up on these goals. Most often, they are unrealistic or unachievable, which automatically sets them up for failure.
“I think New Year’s resolutions are overall a good idea but most of the time they don’t work,” junior Beckett Olbrys said.
Along with these unrealistic goals, the media is a big contributor in getting people into these situations where they create big goals that are out of reach. There are many deals that get more people to come in or use their product, specifically, weight programs or gyms, where they tend to give deals going into the new year, encouraging certain resolutions that are not always attainable.
“I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, or when I do they are in a more light hearted jokingly way because I know I won’t follow through,” junior Mia Stolpe said. “Instead, I like to constantly give myself mini goals throughout the year that I can really focus on.”
If you do plan on making New Year’s resolutions, here are some tips: write them down, make small ones that you can easily keep track of and check off, hold yourself accountable, and wake up with motivation every day to do them. Keep your resolutions Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-limited–using SMART goals– and don’t be afraid to make big changes!
Rebecca Griffith is a junior at Rocky Mountain High School. She enjoys playing tennis and being with her friends. After high school Rebecca wants to study...