The film “Unstoppable” was released on December 6, 2024, and is based on the true story of a wrestler named Anthony Robles. It is about his journey through the sport despite being born with only one leg.
There are two different parts of this film: his life in wrestling and his life at home. Both of these parts tie together at certain points in the movie, but for the most part are separated. It feels like there are two main lessons that come from this sort of divided movie. One is no matter how hard things are, hard work and determination will get you through. The other is to protect and stay close to the ones you love.
The movie does a really good job of making viewers feel the emotions. There are a lot of moments in the movie where Anthony Robles (played by Jharrel Jerome) is let down–whether it’s by himself, his family, or his teammates, but every time he gets let down, he fights through it and keeps getting better and working harder to show everyone he’s not a quitter. One example is his coaches not believing in him at first, but then he shows up early, works harder, uses creative ways to make it so he can do the things he has to do and succeeds despite their lack of support.
At times, his home life could be harder than wrestling–with his family’s money struggles and an unhealthy relationship with his father. Anthony has to struggle with his dad hitting his mom and being demanded to help take care of things around the house. Through this, Anthony grew away from his dad, and when his dad leaves, he encourages his mom to not call him back or ask for help so they can find their own way through the struggle.
Anthony certainly has a tough life, but regardless of what he went through he fights through it and comes out a better person or helps his family live. Anthony has a tremendous amount of perseverance, determination, and bravery.
I think this movie was a 7.3/10. It wasn’t my favorite movie, but it was pretty good. I think it reflects the life of wrestling well and has a strong meaning behind the wrestling and home parts. However, the wrestling in the movie isn’t really reflective of how it is in real life, especially college wrestling. There are multiple ways the movie can be improved, but I think it was good considering you don’t see many wrestling movies on screen.
My favorite sports movie is “The Blind Side,” another movie with a very strong message that is also very entertaining. “Unstoppable” just isn’t quite as good.
The movie is 1 hour and 56 minutes long and is rated PG-13, so family friendly. You can watch it on Amazon Prime, Hulu, Max, and Apple TV. The cast is filled with stars including Michael Peña, Jharrel Jerome, Don Cheadle, Matt Damon,Jennifer Lopez and many more.