Rocky has over 50 school and student-sponsored clubs. One to consider if you are a creative sophomore, junior, or senior is the National Art Honor Society (NAHS).
NAHS is a club at Rocky that meets every Friday at lunch in room 529. NAHS is a school-sponsored club run by art students with Anja Brown serving as President and Aria Hendrickson as Vice President.
NAHS participates in many different activities around the school and community, such as UNC Exploring Arts Day, Trick or Treat Street, and Adopt a Family.
The club talks about ways to get involved in the art world; they explore many different art mediums and listen to guest speakers. They also visit art museums and many other things. Joining NAHS gives students opportunities and openings in the art world, such as potential scholarships, national awards, and publication of artwork. Seniors, if you join the club, you could be eligible for a pin and cord at graduation.
Basic Member Requirements sophomores and juniors:
-Attend 75% of all meetings
-Complete 10+ hours of club-sponsored service by the end of the year
-Pay a $20 fee (NO REFUNDS)
-Complete a semester of art classes with a B or higher.
Requirements for seniors to get a cord:
-Attend 75% of all meetings
-Complete 15 hours of club-sponsored service by the end of the year
-Pay a $20 fee (NO REFUNDS)
-Complete a semester of art classes with a B or higher.
“Joining NAHS is a good idea for anyone who wants to get more involved with the art community at Rocky, to get to know other students who have similar interests and engage in art-related
service activities,” Aria Hendrickson explained. If you want to know more about NAHS or are interested in joining, ask Ms. Loy in the art department for more details or come to one of their Friday lunch meetings.
Rocky doesn’t just have clubs that meet during lunch though, as there are many that meet before and after school as well; the Dungeons and Dragons club is one of them.
Meeting in room 329 every Tuesday and Friday after school, they wait for members to show up before heading over to Gryphon Games and Comics, a cafe located off of Drake. Here, they teach new members how to play the popular tabletop RPG, make character sheets, and play campaigns.

DnD club is open to all levels of players–beginner and experienced. Even if you’ve never even heard of the game, you’re welcome to join. DnD club members will be happy to help you fill out a character sheet, learn different aspects of the game, and walk you through a session to help you get started.
“I’d say just being in the community made learning the game much easier. Everyone in the club is interested and is so passionate about the game, and they’re all willing to help others to learn the game they love,” Ceasar Dardon, a beginner player remarked.
If you have an interest in DnD and TTRPGs or you want to learn more about the games, don’t be afraid to come to room 329 on a Tuesday or Friday after school.