School Testing is Coming Up– Here’s Everything You Need to Know
PSAT, SAT and CMAS schedules are posted for students.
Let’s hope you’ve been studying this spring because state testing is right around the corner! Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors across the state will be testing for the SAT, PSAT, and CMAS science exams.
Testing will run very similarly to last year, but for those who may not know how that worked, here’s a recap:
On Wednesday, April 12th, sophomores and juniors will be attending the morning of school for exams from 9:00-1:00, or 1:52 if you decide to take the optional essay. Juniors will be taking the SAT from 9:00-12:40; sophomores will be taking the PSAT. The cafeteria will be serving lunch after testing is completed. Lunch will cost the same as it does every normal school day.
After this testing is completed, 1st and 2nd periods will be asynchronous for all grade levels. Teachers can assign an hour of work for students to complete and will be in contact with students.
On Thursday, April 13th, freshmen and juniors will be at school in the morning for exams. From 9:00-12:20, freshmen are taking the PSAT, and juniors will be taking the CMAS science exam. Like the day before, lunch will be offered in the cafeteria after testing is completed.
Similar to April 12th, 3rd, and 4th periods will be asynchronous for every grade level. Teachers will be available for contact with students. Students should check with their teachers for instructions and assignments on these asynchronous afternoons.
For both of these testing days, students are expected to be on campus for exams, even though there will be no in-person classes afterward. Busses will run the same, so if students need to stay until 4:00 pm, Rocky will be able to accommodate them.
In order to be prepared for testing, you need supplies.
“If you are testing, for the PSAT 9 or PSAT 10, or SAT, you will want to bring a couple of #2 pencils and a calculator, those won’t be provided for you. You might want to bring some water, maybe a snack. You do not want to have your phone with you–if you can, leave that at home or in a car. And the big thing that people forget about a lot is smartwatches. You are also not allowed to have these with you when you’re testing,” Assistant Principal Tim Bruell stated.
“For the majority of freshmen and sophomores, those [tests] will be in the gyms,” Bruell stated, later clarifying the tests will be in the main gym and auxiliary gym, “And if they’re not in the gyms, they’ll get a notification about where they’re supposed to be. For the SAT for juniors, and for CMAS science, which is also for juniors, there’ll be a list outside Student Services that will be alphabetical by student name.”
The seating organization is similar to last year. It will depend on the room, but for the most part, seating will be mostly alphabetical. Not everybody will be in the same rooms, so it is a little random. Rocky teachers will be proctoring the exams.
“In the main gym, they have a spot where you’ll be able to find your name and your answer sheet,” Bruell stated.
For the SAT, students will need to show ID. This is required by the College Board, so plan to bring a school ID or your driver’s license.
If you have any questions regarding the testing schedule, reaching out to Mr. Bruell in the front office is a good idea. Your counselors are also a good resource for you. The main office will be able to direct you to the right place if you ask. There is also a website that you can access for information.

Finn is a sophomore student at Rocky. Outside of school, he enjoys painting, archery, and hanging out with his friends. After graduating, he plans to get...