Opinion: PSD Should Postpone In Person Until Spring 2021
A recent Poudre School District announcement, which can be read here, has confirmed a tentative deadline for the transition back to in person learning. Simply put, PSD shouldn’t send high school students back in person next year.
This decision has some plus sides. Most fall sports were postponed and a return to in person could mean sports would go on. A big concern among many students, especially seniors, is the possibility of an in person graduation. But this decision still has too many drawbacks to be wise.
At the same time, online learning is awful. Teachers are out of their element and teaching to a screen filled with blank squares. Students are simultaneously overwhelmed and bored by their coursework that relies on in person instruction to be understood and enjoyed.
But the only thing worse than online learning is hybrid. At home days meant that students had busywork or no interaction at all. It was lonely, boring, and impossible to get anything meaningful out of material. In person days were rushed and crammed with every lecture, discussion, or test that couldn’t be done at home. Teachers and students were so torn between trying their best to have a good online and in person experience that both areas suffered.
But going full in person is a disaster waiting to happen. Contact tracing, social distancing, and cleaning common areas would be near impossible with all of Rocky’s 2,000 students in the building. Larimer County is still at a Level Red, with 13,941 infections as of December 19. According to the CDC, this winter will see more infections than any previous spike. We can’t risk a schoolwide outbreak that could impact hundreds of families. That was luckily prevented by the sudden shutdown of RMHS in November, but how many shutdowns would it take before online is the only option?
We are tired. The past nine months have delivered blow after blow to everyone. But we can’t risk lives because we want it to be over. It is my opinion that PSD should seriously reconsider going back to hybrid until the spring and reconsider these decisions.

Payton is a senior at Rocky Mountain High School. They've been on the newspaper staff for 3 years. After high school, Payton wants to work as an investigative...
Logan Nordin • Feb 2, 2021 at 10:21 am
Still true