Senior Assassin, sometimes called Water Wars, is an activity occurring at schools all over the country. As seen on TikTok and other social media, different schools have different guidelines and versions of the game. In a nutshell, senior students target other senior students and try to get them with water guns. The last team standing can win a cash prize.
The game is thought to have originated over a decade ago and has been seen on shows like Gossip Girl and ICarly.
Fossil, Fort Collins, and Poudre have games of their own, and senior Emma Nicklay asked many of her peers if they would be interested in participating if she were to host. With the word spreading fast and lots of enthusiastic responses, she was able to start the game two days later with over 100 seniors participating.
The game officially began April 8, at 8:00 a.m. with the 2024 seniors starting the hunt for their peers, with all eyes on the prize.
This not-school-sponsored activity is optional and only for interested students. Those who wished to participate had to pay a $5-$10 fee for the grand cash prize of over $500—spots filled rather quickly with around 107 students participating.
Here are the rules and things to know about the game:
Rules and Guidelines
You cannot get anyone at the following locations:
Rocky grounds (parking lot, French field, Adventure PE sites, or school-sponsored events/sports)
Inside homes that belong to the person you are targeting (if they are in someone else’s home it is allowed)
Religious areas/churches
Prom day (Canvas Stadium)
Swim goggles and floaties are for protection from squirt guns
Both MUST be visible, floaties must be blown up, and goggles must be around your head or neck
MUST use a water gun, water balloons are ok
On Fridays, no one is allowed to wear their goggles or floaties
Only one partner has to be hit for the pair to be out
Assassination must be recorded for it to count
Once you get your target, their target is your new one
If you do not hit your target by Saturday night, your pair is subjected to Bounty on Sunday (you cannot wear floaties or goggles, if you do you are automatically out)
The last pair standing wins $550.
Assassinations Week 1
Though it was only week one, pairs went into action immediately and did not hold back. Here are week 1 assassinations:
-Laci Nixon and Ella Dornfest
-Meredith Beller and Phoebe Hadfield
-Miguel Rodriguez and Vince Napolitano
-AJ Carter and Hennie Wu
-Brooklyn Diaz and Kaylei Narvaez
-Teddy Gustafson and Ben Milchak
-Hailey Muerer and Mia Jacobson
-Colby Lewis and Noah Stilson
-Addi Mitchell and Kiki Tennyson
-Charlotte Glidewell-Devries and Bryn Hammerschmidt
-Dominic Poduska and Tula Stashak
-Teresa Collingwood and Mia Benz
-Eva Hatfield and Megan Mason
-Henry Hope and Jack Flaherty
-Lance Gilbertson and Kaiden Major
-Sage Seeber and Mia Ramin
-Alistar Clark and Carson Mead
-Ella Flemister and Ava Ryan
-Duncan Boese and Connor Chappell
-Mojo Advani and Brecken Atilano
-Ahri Fakharizadeh and Sophia Brumley
-Ben Harding and Peter Rademacher
-Helen Flenner and Izzy Poduska
-Kathleen Carson and Cora Schildt
-Nikki Gudemann and Hasiely Leskinen
As the numbers get smaller, the competition gets bigger. Seniors, watch your back, and may the best pair win!
UPDATED as of April 25, 2024: As the numbers get smaller, so do hits. Over the past two weeks, only eight of the 30 remaining teams have been removed from the game. Here is the list of people who are out for week two and three:
-Kendall Moore and Lucas Rozell
-Kyra Orswell and Janey Dunn
-Olivia Battinger and Lulu Adams
-Currie Zafarana and Dahlia French
-Aidan Nelson and Elvis Conte
-Sammy Harvey and Kailee Sippel
-Oakley Wolkow and Alec Dunn
-Kaylee Hughes and Izzy Kinder
With target hitting becoming more difficult, host Emma Nicklay announced on the morning of April 24th, that it would be a surprise purge day, meaning no one can wear their floaties or goggles. This escalated the hunt, but the numbers were low compared to the beginning of the game.