Mike Mackenzie
"The most unusual job I had was being a handyman's helper and the handyman would make me get in uncomfortable spaces.”

Leo Perez
"The most unusual job I have heard of is a women’s bathroom cleaner.”

Alexis Rivard
“The most unusual job I have heard of is underwater basket weaving.”

People of the pack
Ella Blakeley "I am struggling to find the motivation to finish my senior year strong."

People of the pack
Freshman: Nona Stephenson "One activity I am involved in at Rocky is volleyball."

People of the pack
Freshman: Sasha Blakeley "The coolest thing I've ever done was go to Panama!"

People of the pack
Senior: Anabelle Hauger: "The coolest thing I've ever done was go skydiving."

People of the pack
Junior: Avery Wangnild "The most challenging thing I've ever experienced was probably when I tore my ACL."

Olive Brizendine
"My favorite teacher is Mr. Duke because he's funny."

Audrey Fager
"The last movie I watched is Night At The Museum and I really liked it."

Noah Anderson
"The last movie I remember seeing was Coraline in the media center."

Lora Sanchez Unda
"I would say that 10 years old is too old to go trick or treating. Getting dressed up or putting on costumes and going door to door are two different things."

Sam Ealum
"The activity I'm involved in after school is softball and competitive softball."

Mr. Ring
"I would like to travel to Buenos Aires in Argentina."

Rian Thomas
"The last place I've traveled to was California for a family vacation. We went to Monterey and Santa Cruz."

Kenyen Camilletti
"I would say that the coolest thing I've ever done was probably going to Arizona."

Ms. Adams
"I like different types of music, oldies, reggae, and hip pop"

Nora Vidergar
"I think the last place I visited was Vancouver in Canada."

People of the pack
Junior: Cyrus Zahakis "The coolest thing I've ever done was when I went ziplining in Costa Rica!"

People of the pack
Sophomore: Emily Musydla "Going to Italy was definitely the coolest thing I've ever done."

People of the pack
Freshman: Cora Hueber "My favorite class is biology because I love my teacher and all of my friends in my class!"

People of the Pack
Senior: Julia Smith "One activity I am involved in is basketball. I have been playing since 2nd grade and my mom played when she was in College."

Dylan Vattano
“I am feeling good about the beginning of the school year. I am really enjoying my freshman year so far. I like how much school spirit there is at Rocky and I also really like all my classes and teachers.”

Nathan Greenwood
“The coolest thing I have ever done was when I had a WRPF (World Raw Powerlifting Federation) competition last week, I got first place for Junior lifters, and I also got three state records for squat, bench and deadlift. I got the Junior grand prize of $250 along with stuff from their sponsors.”

Ella Napels
“I am feeling good about the beginning of the school year. At school I am involved in dance and the coolest thing I've ever done is swim with manatees!”

Esther Vandervelde
“One activity I am involved in is field hockey. I am on a district team so I like getting to know girls from many different schools.”

Ms. Dobo
“The coolest thing I've ever done was when I was in high school, our music department went to Ireland and we got to march in the Saint Patrick’s Day parade.”

Currie Zafarana
What color would your lightsaber be? - “My lightsaber would be purple. I want purple because I think it would distract people and no one will expect it so I will win.”

Hailey Brockel
What color would your lightsaber be? - “I would choose pink. I think it would look pretty and that would distract people from fighting me and therefore I would win.”

Josh Olsheski
What color would your lightsaber be? - “My lightsaber would be orange. It feels like I’m holding a demon in my hand with the power to do anything I want to anyone without fear."

Dawson Balmer
What color would your lightsaber be? - “My lightsaber would be purple. This is because I balance the forces of light and dark to protect the world from danger.”

Andrew Young
What color would your lightsaber be? -“My lightsaber would be the color red because it has been my favorite color for a long time.”

Zion Sheils
“I feel like we need to try and do everything and anything we can do help our Earth. Even doing the small things can make a huge difference. It’s important we take care of the world that we are lucky enough to live on.”

Della Fisher
“Cause it's dank, they have good guacamole. A vegetarian burrito because guac is free. Meats just kinda nasty ya know, sometimes.”

Logan Vandermerwe-Smith
“I'm passionate about my family, and like hanging out with my family. I like doing exciting things with them that I can tell my kids about in the future!”

Avery May
“Chance Mazzia is the teacher that inspired me most at Rocky. I was pretty interested in computer science and he started talking about his experience with it, how I should take his AP computer science class. I am in it right now and it’s fun; it has encouraged me to pursue computer science through a secondary education.”

Kolbie Alonzo
“My favorite flavor of Hot Pocket is ham. I like ham because it's ham and not pepperoni. I hate pepperoni. This has been why I like ham Hot Pocket. It’s also good.”

Drew Agnew
“Getting the call from Mrs. Mauch about the Student body President I was enthusiastic, but I knew I had a lot of work to do. I was motivated though and wanted to leave a legacy by making a different at Rocky Mountain High School.” ...

Grace Eddy
“A lot of really good friendships; it allowed me to make connections with people I never thought I would talk to. I really enjoyed getting to put together the AP Art Show. The program allowed me to discover my style, and really discover a different part of myself.” ...

Miles Liss
“I like Rocky because you have the freedom to build your schedule the way you want and I really like that kind of flexibility.”

Declan Knies
“My favorite thing about Rocky is that you can take Front Range classes.”

Malcom Lucero
“The way the sun rises in the morning reminds me that the world can start anew and that makes me genuinely happy.”

Luke Tjalkens
“Not being here, new people, better people, people that I can relate to. Learning things that I’m interested in. New environment. Just excited to start anew.”

Ella Jensen
“When I think of Rocky, the first word I think of is inclusivity . . . Also, at Rocky there’s common mutual respect between students and teachers I don’t see other places.”

Emily Moline
“Look at life through different lenses in everything that you do. Photography gives me the chance to explore new places and have a creative mind.”

Cole Griffin
“Potatoes, easy, because I am Irish. My favorite way to eat potatoes is Tater Tots.”

Nathan Mueller
“Um, I like it here, I like everything about it, everything is very nice, um, I haven't really been here long enough to have any problems, so yeah.”

Kordell Culhane
“I am the guy that people see in their dreams and their nightmares. I am… I guess--I guess I’m… at heart, kind of a lighthearted person. I don’t express my feelings, but I do feel things very deeply even though people don’t see it on the outside. I’m more socially awkward than people might know, which is interesting since I put myself in very social situations. I love thinking, even though I ...

Evan Zamba
"At the end of the day, it's just my emotion being translated to paper for whatever I'm going through."

Kenan Schuler
"I see art in my particular medium being shoes as a means for expression and I know that fashion tells a story, and I thought I could express that through my work."

Louise Holland
"My art means creating out of a place of love and a passion for creating something that I want to create."

Nicolette Lessard
"My art is how I express my creativity and distress and I love having a finished product that I can be proud of."

Ellie Lenderts
"My art is kind of like a vent; when I started doing art I was in a really bad place so it kind of helped me cope, and now it's kind of like a way to express my feelings and my opinions."

Brooklyn Himmelberg
“Happiness. I would focus on the positive things in my life and the things that make me happy. I like to try to stay positive even though obviously there are hard times in my life.”

Ron Clark
“I love this school, I graduated from here, and when I graduated I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be a teacher. I hear this from people all the time, especially people who have recently been in other schools, and I couldn’t agree more. And everyone says ‘this is like no place else.’ There’s something else about Rocky that’s just different, something good. As long as I’ve been here, we ha...

Lauren Axe
“My favorite thing is the connections I’ve made with the staff that I know will still be strong when I come back in the future to visit!”

Aaron Biggerstaff
“My favorite thing about Rocky is how easy it was to get involved. The ability to have a say, to make friends, to find people with the same likes as you was incredible. But, Sack Club is by far my favorite thing about Rocky.”

Erika Ramos
My mom definitely inspires me the most. She's a single mom who raised three kids on her own. It’s just empowering to be raised by someone, like, just because you're a girl doesn't mean you can't provide for your family. And going back to the time I had cancer she was just there for me always.

Jaelyn Manzanares
“Compassion. I think we all have compassion I just don't think we are all as willing to demonstrate it as we should be. Now, there is a time and a place to be compassionate, but I think if we slowed down and tried to see things a little differently and understand perspective a little more, we’d be more likely to demonstrate that compassion. I think things would change socially in the world.”

Garrit Wilson
“I am in Student Council, I'm a link crew leader, I'm in NHS, MHS, and I am a part of the student think tank on the board of education. I am also in charge of announcements and I am planning this cancer fundraiser week. I attend most of the sporting events including football, basketball, and I enjoy going to unified games."

Cameron Patterson
"I have accomplished hiking a fourteener and have completed my goal of making it onto the JV baseball team for Rocky Mountain High School. Although I am not on the team anymore due to a few circumstances, but that's not the point here. I also accomplished getting a job at Panda Express and presented an important presentation to the head employees at my old school including the principal, assistant princi...

Myles Hilbert
"I can’t think of anything in particular, and this might sound a little cheesy but the opportunities in life you don’t take are the most regrettable because you can’t help but wonder. Be an open-minded and accepting person, because people can be really mean, and that isn’t very nice. I want people to think that they are cared about and valued and that they’re important.”...

Kylie Harpman
“I feel very lucky to live in Colorado. There are endless opportunities for fun and adventure here. I live just a few minutes from Horsetooth, so I spend a lot of time up there. In the summertime, Horsetooth is the perfect place to swim, kayak or paddleboard. It’s a very common place for teens, so it’s a good place to go to if you’re bored and looking for something to do. I also enjoy being alone...

Hunter Siemer
“My parents getting divorced, this event really changed my life because of the hard times for me going through it. But now at this school people are there for each other and if people are going through hard times I want to be there for them.”

Anna Martino
"In life I want to be happy and healthy; I really do think that’s all that actually matters at the end of the day. And, I really love animals, so I want to save them from all the bad stuff in the world. I want to continue doing sports as well. I think that will help me with my happy and healthy goal.”

Haylee Sheffler
"I want to live my life by impacting as many people as possible, making my own mark on the world so that I’m always remembered. I love the school spirit at Rocky, and I think it’s so cool how everyone is a big happy family. I like to think of myself as like a very positive person, with a very happy vibe.”

Cameron Morrison
“When I die, I want the people in my life, those who I’m close to, to be happy and stable. So, like, if I have a family, I want them to be set up, happy, and healthy. I don’t have any really big aspirations. I just don’t want to be sitting at a desk my whole life. I’m well-rounded and laid back, but I want to do something fun with my life.”

Josiah Krupp
“At the end of my life, I want to have supported the people who were in my life, and I want to do as much as I can to prevent suicide. I’m a very helping person, but I also appreciate being alone.”

Jacob Doering
“I’m passionate about sports, school, and religion, but I like to play all sports and play games like Fortnite and ride my bike downtown with friends. Five years from now I see myself in a community college hopefully playing D1-D3 in any sport I chose to play. Then also maybe work at my dad's business."

Lindsey Osterfelt
“I’m passionate about my athletics and school. I really like camping and anything outdoors is more fun to me than being inside all day. I see myself on a farm or ranch taking and helping animals [in five years].”

Lucas Stetter
“I’m passionate about baseball, music, and friends. Again, baseball is a hobby, but outside of Rocky I like snowboarding, hiking, and to hang out with my friends as much as I can.”

Seth Beals
“I am really passionate about baseball; it keeps me focused on school and keeping my grades up so that I can be eligible to actually be in the games. My hobbies include Rocky baseball and just being able to hangout with my friends on and off the field. In five years, I see myself hopefully in college studying marketing, but I don’t know what college I want to go to yet.”...

Jacob McMahon
“At the end of my life, I want to be able to regret the decisions I made, rather than those that I didn’t. I just want to make people smile; that is my biggest passion in life. I want to use all the resources and opportunities I have been given to help further the lives of those around me.”

Allison Siclair
"Right now, I love painting and athletics and traveling, I really want to have a job that travels around the world. I love to travel because I immerse myself in a new culture wherever I go, and I get to learn how to make connections with people from different backgrounds, sometimes in spite of language barriers, which I think is incredible.”

Anna Parlin
“Something that I’m really passionate about is, it sounds kinda silly, I really am passionate about the amount of garbage on our planet. I absolutely hate it, and I try and do my part to make sure that there's as little waste that I produce. I make sure to recycle like always. When I need water, I go to a water fountain instead of getting a water bottle from one of the vending machines because...

Jason “Bubba” Bishop, Jr.
“Honestly, just bringing joy and happiness and laughter, that's a huge, huge thing. I just lighten the mood and all that; I just like to make people laugh with jokes and stuff. Y’know, just make them feel them good about themselves and just bring laughter.”

Jose “Jojo” Martinez
“One thing I’m interested in is computer science. I’m not sure about what I’m gonna do about my future; computer science is just something I love to do. There's kind of a small range I work with. I’m kind of interested in the manufacturing and hardware of actually building devices and computers, and software design like coding, and maybe some design elements like graphical or display. I’...

Julia Schlepp
“I really wanna travel. I’m really passionate about volunteering and, like, helping people. I just know a third world country; I don’t know I just really wanna help people that's all I wanna do. I’m in Key Club. Key Club is super fun; I like that. I’m in mentors and Link Crew. And I’m in NHS--all that has volunteering.”

Victor Abram
“Passionate? Really, just messing around with Legos, building whatever I want. Really anything I feel like building. Most of the time when I buy a Lego set, it’s because I need a specific piece or because I actually want it. Like Lego Marvel stuff, I’ll probably buy because I want it.”

Raegan Campbell
“I dance, that's just fun, and it makes sure that I’m well rounded.”

Sam Murphy
“I like cars, like imports, non- American Cars. I drive a WRX.”

Cole O’Brien
“I like movies and hanging out. I play football, soccer, and basketball on the unified team. I like football. My favorite team is the Patriots.”

Kalel Bailey
“I’m passionate about making sure everyone in the school is treated fairly because I know people who have hard times outside of school and I just want them to be treated fairly.”

George Naumburg
“I'm passionate about school because it’s one of the main ways you can become successful in life. I don't want to end up poor.”

Wilder Kruse
“I am passionate about family and friends because they’re always there to support me and they’re always a crutch.”

Jake Swan
“Something that I’m passionate about is soccer. I have done it my whole life. It gives me something to do so I don't get fat.”

Angelina Pacheco-Guitron
“I think what’s different about the Rocky community is that there’s a lot more work but it prepares you for future years.”

Lauren Thompson
“I feel like Rocky is all together and the community is really good at including people.”

Zoe Dahl
“My years here have been interesting, like it’s a whole new world. And you get more freedom here and you just meet all kinds of new people.”

Sara Tucker
“What’s different about Rocky is that it’s more relaxed, I guess, like, with all their rules and stuff. [The school] honestly treats you like you’re about to be an adult and not like you’re in the fourth grade; they treat you like they should be treating us at our age. It’s also more open and they give you more freedom.”

Ashley Rodriguez
“I think my favorite part about Rocky is that we are all together and we are all a family when we know each other.”

Mitchell Kapaties
"What I value most in life is my family and friends, because when I am with them is when I am my happiest."

Gabriella Juelfs
“My favorite part about myself is how quiet I am, and yet how crazy I am on the inside. I like being a Lobo because of the freedom that we have, to be ourselves especially. In my life, I want to travel the world and explore different cultures and languages in different countries like India, South Korea, Japan, and Brazil.”

Alistair Dunnington
"I am always occupying myself with something creative and that’s why I like being a Lobo because I have the freedom to choose my own path. If I could do anything in the world I would want to meet and play music with my favorite artist Jack White.”

Jack Egan
“I like bikes and fixing stuff. I like that I am my own person and no one else can be me. I also like being a Lobo because we are a family and everyone in the pack is very nice.”

Inila’le Ware
“I am very laid back and I like to go with the flow, but I love being a Lobo because of the pride we have at this school. I am Native American and proud.”

Jesse Lozano
“[Over the break] I’m looking forward to hanging out with family that I don’t get to see often and going to the movies, also opening presents.”

Christian Atherton
He is part of the peers. “I'm looking forward to hanging out with family, relaxing from school and hanging out with friends [over break].” His biggest struggle is “finding yourself or identity within all these pressures or cliques around you and truly understanding who you out of high school is huge in life.”

Harkeen Singh
She struggles with “Confidence. If I could change one thing about the world it would be how judgmental people are.” She is looking forward to not having school and hanging out with friends over break.

Lauren Axe
She is on the Varsity Dance team as well as a part of Stuco. “My biggest struggle is finding a balance, because I do so many things and then I get really overwhelmed and really stressed out and that’s not fun.” Over break “I am looking forward to seeing family and going skiing and not having school.”

Jessa Valkenburg
“During the break I get two weeks off from school; that's what I’m really looking forward to.” While she wants to change the world to be a place “for everyone to be open minded and it would make things better.”

William Young
“I'm looking forward to opening presents and getting some weight off my shoulders. My favorite holiday tradition, it's going to sound cheesy, but giving and getting, mostly the getting part, just kidding.”

Audrey Mills
She can’t wait to go skiing and “I am ‘most’ excited for swimming practice in the mornings.” Audrey believes that “the world is running out of good food, so I would change good food.”

Ruby Johnson
She is looking forward to skiing and hanging out with friends over her winter break, but if she could change one thing about the world she wants “to make everyone love each other and have more tater tots.”

Trevor Hash
He is looking forward to seeing family and having his brothers come back from college over the break. In school, he struggles with “staying focused for extended periods of time and his grades.”

Cooper Axe
He has many holiday traditions but his favorite is, “Going down to Nebraska and seeing all my family and spending Christmas Eve down at my grandma’s.” He is mostly looking forward to “Seeing all my family and spending a lot of time with the people I love.”

Lacy Cruickshank
“My biggest struggle in high school is balancing working at Plato's Closet and homework." Lacy is looking forward to eating and sleeping during the long break and hanging out with friends.

Makenna Barnes
“RMHS is different than other schools because our family is strong and important.”

Lexy Vigil
“RMHS teachers are great because there is not a lot of homework and they care about your success.”

Keano Cobb
“RMHS sets us up for success through their sports programs and good academics.”

Maddie May
"My family makes cookies for Santa every year and we always have a big feast for our family."

Elizabeth Bruenger
"My family makes this traditional dish and we all eat it the night of Christmas."

Jamie Poston
"We do this thing every year where we open up one present on Christmas Eve and they are always pajamas. Once we get into our pajamas, we sit in our living room and watch 'The Polar Express.'"

Maisy Fox
"Every Christmas Eve we open up pajamas, bake cookies for Santa, and each give each other one gift to open. It is usually food to eat while we all watch a movie together."

Duncan Havenga
“[My favorite thing about high school] is the interactions with people.” “[If I could change one thing about the world] there would be no speed limits!”

Joel Anderson
“[My favorite thing about high school is] that we have more freedom.” “[If I could change one thing about the world], I would change the way we treat each other.”

Dominic Gallelli
“[My favorite thing about high school is] that we have more opportunities to make new friends.” “[If I could change one thing about the world] I would end racism completely.”

Ella Jensen
“They’re a lot of fun and I’ve gotten to know many seniors, which has been awesome. Everyone at Rocky, especially people on the sports teams, are really fun and we all work together as a family.”

Maggie Rohner
“I like Rocky because it has a sense of community and it's great environment to be in.”

Reiana Hughes
“I like how we have so many academic clubs. Even though I most likely won’t join them, I still think it’s great how many great opportunities we have at this school.”

Norman Matlin
“Summer break, obviously, because it’s the longest, it’s warm, and you can travel a lot.”

Nate Denton
“I want to travel the world, getting out of the Fort Collins bubble and see how my high school experiences benefit me in the real world.”

Audrey Vance
“I feel like there is, but I really don’t think of it as a specific thing. I feel like it’s more, like, an entity. I believe in a higher power that watches over us, but I don’t really think it’s an old man with a white beard.”

Sage Sloniker
“I was in 3D art last quarter and I’m in Advanced Drawing this year. If I don’t get to make something I get very sad throughout the day, so I’m drawing throughout the day anyways. [Without art I’d be] much sadder. Definitely much sadder; art is how I found a lot of my friends. I’ve been drawing since I could hold a crayon, so, [if I didn’t have art], that’d be like a very empty spot in my...

Cela Windsor
“I am part of a lot of classes, AP classes, regular classes. I am a co-president of French Club which is pretty fun. I was part of the band for two years. I will be a part of the school musical coming up in the third quarter of this year. That should be pretty exciting. I guess, for me, a big part [of being part of] the Rocky community is how we treat others, so it is my goal that whenever I am w...

Declan Knies
“I’m on the Lacrosse team and the mountain biking team and I’m going to CSTA, Science Olympiad and LowBeaus. I was in Glee club, but they’re not really doing that anymore. I did LowBeaus because I like singing and I did CSTA because I was able to code last year, but I forgot over the summer. [If I didn’t do these things], I’d be bored because I do like singing a lot, but I don’t really kno...

John Robinson (Teacher at RMHS)
“One of the happiest moments of my life would have to be when I got this job. It was huge; it was a life changing moment and that was 18 years ago. Our department leader at the time took a chance on me and it was huge. Now I’m the department leader. I told my class the story about how I took a gun from a kid; I didn’t want him to commit suicide. I later found out he joined the army which made...

Isaac Williams
“I haven’t experienced it yet.”

Moriah Miranda
“When I was a kid and my only issue was what color I should choose from my crayon box.”

Kenji Asamoto
“My teenage years because I have the ability to do more things than we usually could. We are at a physical peak where we have the most energy and strength to do anything we put our mind to.”

Delany Dietemann
“One nice thing I did was help with Trick or Treat Street at Rocky Mountain High School; it was a very fun experience and I enjoyed helping.”

Mahmoud Elrmly
“One accomplishment I am most proud of has been that I have been paying the rent on my house for a month. I live by the saying ‘even if you get criticized for something and people say you can’t do it, if you work hard you can achieve it.’”

Bobby Swerer
“One thing nice thing that I have recently done was give a homeless person a rotisserie chicken; this made me feel good because I gave to someone in need since it was a very cold day.”

Kylie Mascola
“Today, right now. I’m happy right now because life is good and not only that, but it is Friday. I like to consider my life a good one, even if I’m having a bad day. I try to make the best of it and remember that other people may have it a lot worse.”

Dakota Johnson
“The part of Disney World that’s not EPCOT. That place was not that great compared to the rest. I remember going to the Animal Kingdom expecting to see Mufasa or something from the Lion King, but it was just an overpriced zoo with $10 popcorn.”

Andreina Mendoza
An event that has helped shape the person I am today is LDZ. Which I learned through Rocky. It was a legislative program that I did summer going into Junior year. LDZ was very powerful for me and many other Latino students and taught us how to challenge ourselves. Not just have the answer at our hands, so I felt it really impacted me in advocating for myself and not waiting for other people to give...

Carlos Ruz
An event that has shaped who I am today is... probably when my grandma died. She passed away at 93 years old. It made me realize that life is short, so you need to go at it and not mess around. Give it your best every day all day.

Emmet Brown
I'm passionate about politics and what's going on in the world; just everything that's going on with different countries, governments, with political movements, social movements, anything going on with changes in society.

Lesley Garcia
I have learned how to manage my time a lot more because I've started working for the first time, and I am doing volleyball, as well as going to school. Therefore managing my time has become important to me because it has made me more responsible and I have found new priorities to aspire to.

Annelise Kalmback
I think it's important to do things you like and not let anything get in the way of that.

Katherine Billington
I went to a journalism convention and was an honorable mention for news writing and I got second in state.

Taylor Garza
I wish people would accept others because we are all the same creatures with slightly different biology.

Savannah Rowden
People aren't as accepting as they should be. Everyone should learn that everybody is different and that makes them unique and special.

Ryan Hutchenson
There are so many things I could do with a million dollars. I could save it, I could spend it, or I could give it to charity. Personally, I would do a little bit of all three. For charity I would give it to some sort of domestic abuse, suicide awareness, or homeless charity. I feel like those are the most relevant ones in my life. With the rest of my money I would spend it on myself for fun and nice...

Dana Potts
I feel like in daily like I'm really good, at finding the things that make each day stand out. You know you have a daily routine and I think at time's it's really easy to get lost in that. So, I like to look at the little things, maybe the sunrise or the sunset. Those things make my day better.

Rebecca Erickson
I love how there are so many opportunities and everybody is just a family.

Spencer Loffer
Probably rebuilding my car, I felt really accomplished.

Jacob Tibbs
I wouldn't change anything, it's a really good school.

Lydia Dawson
I believe Rocky is different because we're a very tight knit community. I think the student body is very inviting to others. We have a productive environment and students are driven to learn.

Raegan Marlow
I think we're unique because we're a family and everyone just connects with each other.

Chloe Pentico
I think everybody is valued, and you definitely don't see that in every school.

Colin Jongsma
Finding the church that I go to now has changed my life. I love all the people I have met. My family and I have made so many connections.

Abbey Buchanan
“My favorite thing about Rocky is that there is place for everyone, and something to do for everyone whether it’s a sport, club or activity.”

Lindsey Smith
“My favorite about this school is the sense of community. I don't think we have a problem with bullying or big clicks, or anything. I think at everyone is very inclusive and you can really get into anything without people judging you and trying to exclude you, everyone is welcoming.”

Cedric Culhane
“Joining the wrestling team in fourth or fifth grade. At first I did not like it at all. As I did it more I started to like it. I made wrestling friends in the Fort Collins area. Now wrestling is the main thing I do.”

Laurel Manly
"I am super excited and super glad to start college. I am going to go to CSU and study life sciences, I want to either be a teacher or do something within a lab."

Brenna Meighen
"I'm excited but I'm going to miss Rocky, it's going by really fast. I think I'm going to CSU to major in Child Development."

Ellie Hodges
“I guess if I had no fear I would probably go to space maybe wait till we get to mars or something and then go because space has always scared me, but I think it’s really cool but i’m really scared of dying in space or going into a black hole or something so, I know that not possible to go into a black hole because they are so far away but i’m still scared of it so, yeah i’d go into space...

Aspen Cross
"Unrealistically I would be a millionaire, but realistically to be a vet because I hate to see animals in pain and I would like to help them."

Jackson Smith
"I like how I'm shaped by the community I'm in, like how Rocky is a positive community, I'm thankful I get to be apart of that."

Leandro Linares
“An event that has shaped me to who I am today is… when my mom went through cancer. That made me really think of who I really was and how I’m treating other people. As well as how it can affect other people by the way you treat them. I’ve become a more thankful person and I appreciate things more.”

Jenna Zappia
“An event that has shaped me to who I am today is… when my sister almost overdosed. That made me stronger. In a way where I wouldn’t want to try stupid things like that, like drugs. I’m way stronger than I used to be.”

Olinda Moro-Lopez
“An event that has shaped me to who I am today is... my move to the United States. I had to leave my family, my culture, my language, all my childhood memories behind and get reacquainted in a new environment. Due to my young age and the small notice, I had no time to learn customs or the language and therefore I had a very hard time getting integrated into the community. Although it was very hard...

Aidan O’Connell
“I would probably have gotten involved in more clubs and more things, because I did not have as many friends as I probably would have wanted, and I started out high school with probably the wrong friend group.”

Eric Krehbiel
“I would like government officials not to be able to step in and say we can round up people of the United States and take them out of cities where they have already been integrated. If they are here illegally and not doing anything else than being here illegally, then I think they should stay.”

Braden Wormus
“I would like to see more of a sense of community and love and acceptance between people, because once we have all joined together as a group then we can start focusing on the problems that face all of us.”

Zach Thrash
“The best day of my life was the day I moved to Colorado. I moved from Florida. I met a lot of great people. I moved here the summer before my freshman year of high school. At first I didn’t want to move here, but I am glad we did. It was a huge change for the weather for sure.”

Emily Carpenter
“Something I struggle with is saying no to people, activities, anything you name, I can’t say no to it. I say yes to anything and everything. I add way too much to my plate, and I also don’t like to ask for help. It is something that I have to work on. I can practice saying no. I need to understand that I am only human and I cannot possibly commit to everything.”

Natalie Bradshaw
“One of my greatest accomplishments was being on the varsity cross country team for my senior year of high school. The last few years I have been doing cross country but I have not been on varsity yet. One of the best times was when I got to go to state! My favorite part of being on varsity is being a leader.”

Lydia Dostal
"I'm very passionate about treating people with respect, and treating everybody like they are worth something."

Allison Sinclair
"To enhance my community and help my peers work together."

Trevor Webb
"To influence people around me for the better."

Rebecca Knaff
"Life has no purpose. The only purpose in life is to find meaning."

Ashley Shoenbauer
“My favorite part of Rocky is the fact that we have diverse students and there are a lot of opportunities.”

Natalie Peterson
“I moved here from Florida last December. I was born in boulder then moved to Florida. I have adjusted well and made a lot of friends. The hardest thing is not being able to be with my friends from Florida everyday.”

Catelyn Buchanan
An event that helped to shape who I am today is probably winning Nationals for cheer. It made me a better athlete and a better person. It helped me learn how to be on a team. It's important, because you're always going to be around people and you have to learn how to work well with others.

Sierra Valdivieso
“An event that has shaped me to who I am today is… when my sister got in a car accident and she almost lost her life. She broke both of her feet and I helped to take care of her in her time of need. And it really shaped my relationship with her and who I am today.”

Kyle Bradley
"I'm nervous about graduating but I'm happy that it is finally over, I'm nervous to go into the real world but I'm ready for something new to happen in my life and for there to be more excitement."

Abby Foster
“If I had no fear I would take a big trip to the amazon because it’s full of big snakes and spiders that I do not like and I would stay there and have a big adventure with a bunch of things I wouldn’t be afraid of anymore.”
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