Daniel Mitchell
This is the first segment of our new series, You Should Take This Class! The series will feature student recommendations on classes to take and why. If you’re interested in writing in with your recommendations, you still can here. We’ll add more as we receive them.
“Engineering physics is one of the best classes offered at Rocky. You get to launch rockets in the air, build bridges, build race cars, and even more. It is a semester-long class and is pretty easy. You get to learn a lot about physics and have hands-on learning in the process.” -Owen Alexander, grade 11
“I recommend this class to everyone, but people should know that it is a class that is hard and you do have to spend at least two days outside. But if you are interested in the Fire Service this class is a great way to start. This class is exciting and fun, and also for everyone this shows you a job you can do right after high school that doesn’t need a college degree, to begin with. Join this class and help in the fire service.” -Sawyer Green, grade 11
“If you’re not a big fan of traditional science classes, I recommend taking CSI. This class is a fun way to learn science because it combines hands-on activities with crime investigations. You’ll get to see how science is used to solve crimes, like analyzing evidence and understanding the techniques professionals use. If you enjoy watching crime shows on TV, you’ll find this class even more interesting because the techniques you see on TV in this class are actually based on real science. What makes this class different from regular science classes is that it doesn’t feel like you’re being forced to learn, which for me is very common in science classes. It’s a more practical way of studying science, and it connects what you’re learning to real life situations. Even if you do like science, I’d still recommend this class because it makes learning more engaging and fun, and it’s a great choice for anyone who’s curious about how science is used in the world of crime.” – Wesley Campano, grade 11
“I took forensics [science] after watching the show ‘Mindhunter’ which is about FBI agents interviewing serial killers. It’s easily one of the best classes I’ve ever taken. Mrs. Adams is super nice and always helpful, the class itself is super hands-on with fun projects. Even the midterms and finals were fantastic, the midterm was investigating a crime scene that was staged in the back room, ordering tests and analyzing evidence. The final was to create a crime scene in a shoe box or make a forensic files episode. 10/10 highly recommend.” – Dylan Bowles, grade 11
“I think people should take agriculture if plants and animals interest them at all. You don’t just learn about crops and farm animals, you learn about all different plants and animals. You learn a lot of interesting things, like how to make yarn and how to crochet, you also learn about the climate and how farming affects and helps it. There’s a lot of projects and hands-on labs, which are a lot of fun. There are also a ton of fun field trips.”- Emma McLane, grade 11
“It’s not a class you’d expect to find in high school. Every crime tells a story, every hair, fiber, fingerprint, and every single shard of glass. It’s a class that helps uncover the truth. CSI is my most highly recommended class. This science class is unlike the others; it doesn’t have to do with how does the earth rotate, it’s about how the human mind works. This class doesn’t just take notes and do a lab once in a blue moon, but Mrs. Adams creates hands-on labs that you can do almost everyday. My sisters went to Rocky but this class wasn’t offered yet. As I told them about it, they wished it was. If you are a crime junkie and want to know how to solve a crime or learn how a fire was started take it, I highly recommend it.”- Annika Gray, grade 11
“Discrete mathematics was, in my opinion, an excellent class to take. That’s a rare statement from me as I usually find something to critique in every class I attend.
The expectations for the course were clearly outlined on the first day and the instructor consistently adhered to them. While I’ve had other teachers who do this, they often present the material simpler than it truly is, leaving me underprepared. This class, however, was upfront about the level of performance expected, which I appreciated.
I didn’t encounter any major challenges in this class. If you have strong pattern recognition skills and/or are neurodivergent, you might also find it manageable. I grasped onto the concepts quickly and typically had time to spare at the end of class to relax. The course was well-balanced in its teaching methods, utilizing videos, lectures, hands-on, and both independent and group work. Group work isn’t something I look forward to, but within this class, I didn’t have any complaints. I got lucky with my peers; they could hold their own and do their work.
That said, I noticed the class could be difficult for those without strong pattern recognition skills. Many of my peers struggled and grew frustrated with concepts they found confusing. While I can’t speak for my classmates, I believe they ultimately came out successful.
Overall, this class was highly enjoyable. Despite being relatively easy for me, it was never understimulating. It struck the perfect balance, and I honestly wish more of my classes were structured like this.”- August Morgan, grade 11